Exhibit Policy

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Exhibit Policy

The Library offers exhibit space to increase public awareness of the Library’s resources and to support its mission of “linking our community to the world of ideas.” The Library Director, Managers and designated staff members are responsible for determining whether an exhibitor’s work is of a nature, format and quality appropriate for the gallery area. The library makes its community exhibit areas available for use by government agencies, organizations and groups engaged in educational, cultural, recreational or charitable activities. Exhibits are placed in the library only with approval of the Director or other designated person. Preference is given to residents living and organizations headquartered within the Prospect Heights Public Library District’s boarders.


The Library welcomes expression of all viewpoints. Library exhibits are chosen based upon their ability to

  • Highlight current issues, events or other subjects of public interest in an informational manner.
  • Exhibit art, crafts, photographs or writings.
  • Educate the community about different cultures, traditions and perspectives.
  • Entertain and amuse
  • Explain the activities of, or issues of interest to, local nonprofit organizations and agencies.
  • Display interesting collections or hobbies of local residents.

Library space used for exhibits are designated as a limited public forum designated for educational and informational purposes. As such, the Library will not allow exhibits where the apparent focus is:

  • Commercial or financial gain;
  • Recruitment or fund-raising for any individual or organization of any sort;
  • Advocacy of any particular political, religious, or philosophical point of view; or
  • Any other significant digression from informative or educational content.

The library will remove any materials violating these policies.

Permission to exhibit items does not constitute an endorsement by the library of the exhibit or the beliefs, viewpoints, policies, or affiliation of its sponsors.


Expectations and Requirements

  • No modification of the library facility is permitted for the installation of an exhibit. Artists are responsible for arranging set up and removal of their artwork with library staff.
  • The Library will not provide storage space for any exhibit items, their packaging, or related materials.
  • The Library reserves the right to refuse an exhibit request or remove any material deemed unsuitable. The Library and its staff assume no responsibility for the preservation, protection, insurance or possible damage or theft of any item exhibited.
  • All exhibits after installation is complete will be documented with a photo by the Library. If the Artist makes changes to the exhibit, a library staff member should be made aware so that a new photo of the exhibit may be taken for documentation.
  • Exhibits must be taken down by the date indicated. Failure to do so may result in the group or individual from using the space again in the future.

Sales – Prices of the artwork may not be displayed in the exhibit. The library will not act as the exhibitor’s agent in the sale of their work. The exhibitor may provide a list of the works, including the price and the exhibitor’s contact information, which will be kept at the service desk and made available to patrons upon request.

Library Regulations

  • The library reserves the right to refuse the use of the exhibit areas to anyone whose exhibit is disruptive of library functions.
  • The library reserves the right to withdraw the privilege of the use of exhibit areas.
  • Literature, pamphlets or merchandise may not be sold on the premises.
  • All press releases, promotional materials and other forms of publicity must be approved by an authorized library staff member at least seven days before publication or distribution and must contain the following statement: "This is not a Prospect Heights Public Library District sponsored program”. Failure to comply with the approval process or to include the above statement may result in cancellation of the exhibit.
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