Freedom of Information

Posted in accordance with 5 ILCS 140/4

Description: The Prospect Heights Public Library District is a district public library established under the Public Library District Act of 1991 (75 ILCS 16/ et. Seq).

Purpose: The Prospect Heights Public Library District serves district residents by providing materials, information, resources, and services.

Mission: The Prospect Heights Public Library District links our community to the world of ideas.


Operating Budget: The operating budget for fiscal year 2024-25 is $3,644,000.00.  The further information on the Library’s approved budget, appropriation and levy are available on the Library’s website HERE.

Offices: The Library’s sole location is 12 Elm Street, Prospect Heights, IL 60070.

Library Staff: When fully staffed, the Library employs approximately 20 full-time employees and 27 part-time employees. 

Board of Trustees: The Prospect Heights Public Library District is governed by an elected, unpaid seven-member Board of Trustees.  Trustees serve six-year terms. 

Open business meetings are held on the last Wednesday of each month at 7pm.  Meetings typically take place in the Library’s Meeting Room A.  Notices and agendas are posted in the Library’s entry vestibule and are available online HERE.

Current board members:

Tim Bochula

Janet Jordan

Marianne Kerr

Margaret Lahey

William Moser

Sandhya Patel

Patricia Peterson

The Board of Trustees maintain three standing committees:

Budget & Finance: Margaret Lahey and Sandhya Patel

Building & Grounds: Tim Bochula and Janet Jordan

Personnel & Policy: Marianne Kerr and Patricia Peterson

Information and Public Records: The Prospect Heights Public Library District adheres to the Freedom of Information Act, 5 ILCS 140/1 et. Seq., and makes available for inspection or copying all public records to any person. 

FOIA Officer: Executive Director, Alex Todd

FOIA Request Methods: Any person requesting records of the Prospect Heights Public Library District may make a written request by mail, personal delivery, or email. 

FOIA Address: 

Prospect Heights Public Library District

Attn.: Alex Todd, Executive Director

12 Elm Street

Prospect Heights, IL 60070

FOIA Email: 

FOIA Fees: 

  1. The first 50 pages of black and white letter or legal sized copies are no charge; additional pages are 15 cents per page. 
  2. Color pages will be charged for actual cost of reproduction. 
  3. Certification fee is $1.00. 
  4. If electronic format is requested, fee will be charged for only cost of the medium e.g., disc, USB flash drive, etc. 
  5. Electronic formats delivered via email are free. 

FOIA Request Response Time:

Responses to commercial requests can be expected within 21 business days of the receipt of a written request. 

Responses to non-commercial requests can be expected within 5 business days of the receipt of a written request. 

If an extension is required, a FOIA officer from the library will reach out to the requestor. 

FOIA Request Review Process:

Members of the public who believe the Library has improperly denied their FOIA request may submit a Request for Review to the Illinois Attorney General’s Public Access Counselor (PAC).  Such requests must be made within 60 calendar days after the denial of the FOIA request.  A Request for Review may be submitted to the PAC by either electronic mail or U.S. Mail:

Public Access Counselor 

Office of the Attorney General 

500 S. 2nd Street

Springfield, Illinois 2706

(877) 299-3642.

You may also file suit for injunctive or declaratory relief under 5 ILCS 140-11.

Information, Documents and More:

Organizational Chart

Public Act 97-609 employee compensation information.

Please click HERE for a list of PHPL's policies.

Please click HERE to view PHPL's budget, board meeting schedule, as well as meeting agendas and minutes.